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This is not the most recent version of this Good Growth Plan dataset. View the latest update (2022).

Soil Data - 2017

Syngenta launched the Good Growth Plan to address the huge challenges of feeding a growing world population sustainably. One of the key commitments of the Plan is to help rescue more farmland. Our commitment is to promote and support in-field adoption of certain soil management and use practices that will sustain soil productivity and support crop productivity for a long time.

Sustainable farming needs resilient, healthy soils to secure our food supply for the long term and help increase yields right now. Poor management practices degrade millions of hectares.

We’re working with partners to improve these practices. To achieve this commitment, we’re focusing on conservation agriculture. This lets farmers improve cropping while protecting soil and water resources on which production relies.

We’re advising farmers and giving them the tools they need to implement these practices globally, in partnership with external stakeholders such as academics, policy makers and soil experts. Together, we’re assessing the best ways to make soil more productive, selecting the most promising projects, and tailoring them to local conditions and then getting them under way with the help of local farmers.

The Soil dataset shows aggregated hectares of farmland reported between 2013 and 2017 that benefit from soil conservation practices established in collaboration with Syngenta. The dataset also includes a description of the project objectives. The number of hectares of benefited farmland are tracked locally through in-field assessments, documented, and reported by project managers.

Dataset Info

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Soil conservation
Date of first publication
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Date of last update
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Citation Text
The Good Growth Plan Progress Data - Soil 2017
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
Citation URL
Copyright Year
Copyright Holder
Temporal Coverage
October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2017
Public Access Level
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